08/ The Carrier Bag

Espacio La Hipoteca, Madrid

June 2023, Supper Club

“We've heard it, we've all heard all about all the sticks and spears and swords, the things to bash and poke and hit with, the long, hard things, but we have not heard about the thing to put things in, the container for the thing contained. That is a new story. That is news.”

– Ursula K LeGuin

Reality is built on the past that is accepted as valid.
At this dinner, we aim to reconfigure the key moments that established us as a species, positioning the figure of the gatherer as crucial in the humanizing process.

By confronting the feminine, understood not as gender but as yin, the energy of care and conservation, with the masculine, yang, the piercing and aggressive, we arrive at a new beginning.

Throughout the event, the importance of the container as a constructive structure will be highlighted, not through the destruction of the spear, but thanks to cooperation.

The menu

A bag that unfolds step by step, from the closed leaves of a zucchini flower to the open sheet of pasta, laying completely flat on the plate.

Soft corners and spoon-only, eliminating all traces of violence bite by bite. 

The idea of sharp and pointed utensils as hunting tools, representing the "masculine" side, is the starting point of our dinner. However, as the night progresses, the theme evolves towards softness and delicacy, concepts associated with femininity.

The installation

Based around the idea of the bag and softness, textiles become the chosen material for the dinner. For the tablecloths, we worked with Spanish based brand Abbatte, made by hand at the abbey of Santa Maria de la Sierra by talented women. 


Welcome: Breads and doughs. Labneh and tomatoes.
Apricot syrup mimosas.

Starters: “De lo duro a lo suave”. Fried rice, corn cream, corn consomme, fried corn, corn powder.Paired with Fino Patachula, PX by Bodegas Robles in Montilla Moriles.

“La feminidad y el contenedor”. Zucchinni flower filled with zucchini and pumkin farsa, goat cheese, preserved lemon and pan grattato. Paired with Ancestral, Sumoll y Ripol by Montrubí in Penedés.

Mains: “Envoltorio”. Roasted tubers, marinated with pineapple and coriander, fried tubers. Wrapped in banana leaf. Paired with La Gota, autoctone varieties by Teneguía in La Palma.
“El Campo”. Pasta leaf with fennel, pear and ricotta, pinenuts, nettle and sage beurre. Paired with Rapagón, Moscatel and PX by Samuel Párraga from Sierra de Málaga.

Dessert: “Tejidos”. Ice cream sandwich made of flax and coconut, sour strawberry compote. Paired with Gaintus Radical, Sumoll by Montrubí from Penedés

Kitchen staff: Floria 
Photography: Cristina Góngora

Other Projects

08 / The Carrier Bag
La Hipoteca

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