02 / Mayrit Design Biennale

Nave La Mosca, Madrid
Una especie de distancia

June 2022, Supper Club

In order to highlight the disparity between species as generated by our anthropocentric perspective, we utilize gastronomy as a lens to understand the diverse behaviors of different species in relation to food.

The Menu

“Mayrit” is the original name of Madrid, founded by the Arabs in the 9th century, which translates to "where water flows."

We delve into ancient cookbooks to revive a recipe from Arabic royalty during the Middle Ages, intertwining the history of our city with the boundless possibilities of water. Our menu features unique dishes such as a saffron and seawater oyster, as well as a tea-based dessert infused with preserved lemons, honey, almonds, herbs, and seasonal ingredients.


The Installation

Inspired by 19th-century wine tasting tables, where the sommelier could interact with each participant, we sought to recreate this experience on a larger scale.

(This resulted in fascinating encounters and interactions, if we do say so ourselves.)


Welcome: Salt sculptures with Pita and Labneh

Starters: Saffron and ocean water oyster. Paired with Ancestral, Montrubí.
Sisho leaf with rice and preserved lemon. Paired with Els Nanos Blanc, Josep Foraster.

PPP (Cigarette break)
Palate cleanser. Cucumber and mint granite.

Main: Potato and sichuan dirt. Paired with Cycles Gladiator, Pinot Noir.
Soy marinated egg, onion skin broth and fried vermicelli. Paired with Lias Finas, Viura.

Dessert: Tea infused cake with chamomile meringue. Paired with Coteaux du Layon, Chenin Blanc.

Assistants: Irene Merinero, Álvaro R. Seda.
Photos by Asier Rúa, Yago Castromil.
Ceramics by Lucas Marcos Barquilla.
Space: Nave La Mosca.

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